Social Media Marketing Should Really Be Local

Social Media Marketing Should Really Be Local

LiKing Marketing creates social media marketing (facebook, twitter, LinkedIn) for small businesses in the NYC/Greenwich CT area. And, while we could technically create marketing for someone across the country (or around the world), I find it best to visit the client to develop interesting, coherent content. I need to visit their offices to uncover their value add and recent accomplishments. Small business owners are too busy to create the updates and frequently do not see what really sets them apart.

Social media marketing is not a misnomer. It HAS to be SOCIAL to be engaging and get a dialogue going. A key ratio is 80% education and only 20% selling.

Only by visiting a client and asking key questions, can I, the marketer, uncover relevant content that is good enough to share online. Social media marketing is a process and investment. It takes time, consistency and relevant content to develop a following. Let someone local, like LiKing Marketing, help.

Pinterest is a great tool for research, sharing and storing!

We love Pinterest.  It is a visual bulletin board which lets you promote your product/services but also share & store ideas for learning, content, etc.  We have about 58 boards and more than 2220 pins.  Our boards are about marketing, small business, social media and include tips on how to maximize your presence in any format.  We use it not just to sell, but for research and store ideas for future content, posts, to gather relevant information in one spot (all twitter info is on our twitter board, etc) and even to store ideas for specific accounts that we have. 

We also have fun boards. Ones on animals, humor, marketing challenges…stuff to make people (including ourselves) laugh.  And, we have boards of different passions that we share such as our dream house, green solutions, organic dining…things that are important to us.  These different types of boards are fun and interesting and enable us to connect to people (prospects) we would not normally reach, a way to make a connection.

And, then Pinterest allows us to tweet out info to our twitter followers or post it on our facebook page, another way to make content on social media a bit easier. Check out our Pinterest boards and follow us.  It will be fun and informative and we can share ideas!