Get out of the Virtual World and Create Your Life!

We love being online….its fun, informative, educational.  And, we make a living at it.  But, it seems sad to us that people actually mourn the loss of a virtual world.  To tap into an imaginary place, form connections, creating environments should be expansive and fun.  But to become so involved and immersed in a make believe environment seems such a sad waste.  Life is for living and creating what you want in this world…not a make-believe world.  Each of us have an innate power within us to create a real, living, breathing life.  Don’t waste your life on a cartoon world with make believe people, especially one which you still can’t control. (Disney controlled this one).

Contribute to the living in THIS world.  Make a difference in THIS world.  Become the person you want to be in YOUR life.  After all, only YOU can control who YOU are.   And, if you are a small business owner, you know this intuitively.   Create the business you want, making what you want, helping whom you want.  Then, get on line and promote your self to REAL people. You have more power than you know!